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White Grass


Two words, cold case, in metallic font with handcuffs and chainlinks. Logo of Cold Case, designed by Louise Steding.
Louise Steding forensic archaeologist and criminologist. Louise Steding wearing glasses and a white pullover.

Louise Steding PhD

PhD (Arch/Crim), B.A.hons (Arch/Soc), ANZFSS, AACAI

0408 649 484 

Dr Louise Steding has taught forensics, criminology, and policing for the past 10 years and has been a practicing archaeologist for over 30 years. She was a lecturer in Policing Studies at the Police Academy in NSW with Charles Sturt University (Goulburn), and taught forensic psychology, criminology, forensics and policing at Swinburne University of Technology (SOL), where she was awarded an adjunct professorship (Hawthorn, Victoria). Louise continues to advise police and families as a forensic specialist who combines criminology and forensic archaeology in search and recovery methods. Her work involves landscape modification recognition, interview content analysis, use of ground penetrating radar, excavation method selection and human bone recognition. She is also the author of seven books on cold cases and forensics.

Dr Louise Steding: 

Doctoral degree from the University of Western Australia and a BA(hons) from LaTrobe University. Her degrees combine archaeology and criminology.

The titles of her theses are:

The Punishment Administered (1994), and

Behind the Facade (1987)

She is a member of:

Australia and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS)

Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. (AACAI) and was AACAI Chairperson (NSW/ACT, 2008), Membership committee (2008-2011)

Gerald Steding photographer. Gerald Steding wearing sunglasses in orange T shirt with tree behind. Data visualisation expert with

Gerald Steding MA

M.herit.cons, M.Build.dip, ICOMOS, AIPP


0408 649 477

Gerald Steding is our data visualisation specialist. For photogrammetry and 3D imagery he uses a drone, total station, AutoCAD, and various other software. As an archival photographer and videographer Gerald uses Canon and PremierePro and Adobe software. Gerald has over 30 years experience in construction, heritage restoration, planning and conservation issues. Before coming to Australia, he worked as a project manager restoring and reconstructing historic buildings in German cities, dating from the Renaissance to the early twentieth century. These projects included large-scale restoration works at Dresden Castle, the Semper Opera House and Art Gallery, and the Frauenkirche (Women's Church). 

Gerald Steding:

Masters degree from the University of Sydney (2007), a Master Builders Diploma (1997), and Instructors Certificate (Construction) (1994)  from the Industrie- und Handelskammer, Dresden, and the Ingenieurhochbaukombinat, Heidenau, Germany. He also has a NSW Builders Licence.

The title of his thesis is: Relocating Timber Buildings (2007).

He is a: Full member of Australia ICOMOS, and has full accreditation from the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers (AIPP).

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Karen Bates wearing glasses and a blue shirt smiling on the phoneKaren Bates.PNG

Karen Bates MA

M.A.(Forensic Psych), B.Soc.Sc.(Psych), Grad.dip. 


Karen worked as an occupational rehabilitation consultant with CRS Australia. She later moved into forensic psychology, helping people experiencing mental health challenges, as well as children in foster care. Karen has also assisted Aboriginal Lands Councils in supporting indigenous parolees back into their communities.

Karen Bates has a Bachelors degree in psychology and a Masters degree specialising in forensic psychology from the University of Western Sydney. She also has a graduate diploma in counselling from the University of Sydney. 

In addition - Karen is a stunning artist. We just had to show her work in Our Shop. She can be contacted for interest or orders via this website or by her email above.

Barry Gobbe OAM, JP 

B.Soc.Sc.(Crim), Dip.Mgt (Gov.Fin.Law), Cert IV (Training & Ass.), NSW Amb.S/O II I.C. Paramedic/Educator. Rt'd.


0416 256 967

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Barry Gobbe OAM is a former decorated Intensive Care Paramedic/Educator who was the first paramedic on the scene of the Granville Rail Disaster. He also has a Bachelors degree in criminology from Swinburne University, a NSW Health Diploma in Government Finance & Law, and a Cert. IV in Workplace Training & Assessment. He has lectured in forensic anatomy, physiology, ballistics, and was certified with NSW Fire and Rescue.


Barry is author of The Granville Train Disaster of 1977Also, for the past 30 years he has assisted the NSW Police Force with young people, those who are socially challenged, people suffering from mental illness, and Indigenous persons in custody. As part of this, he was involved in investigative interviews which included on scene re-enactments of minor to major crimes.


Janis Ritchie

BSocSc(Psych), BPsych(Hons), MProfPsych, MPsych(Clin) candidate, CEDC


Janis Ritchie is a psychologist working in private practice in Victoria. Here she sees a range of different mental health presentations with a main focus on trauma and PTSD. She has previously worked within a private day hospital where she facilitated focused PTSD trauma groups as well as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy groups. A long time friend, we often discuss possible psychological criminal profiles based on the behaviours of offenders in forensic cases. 

Janis Ritchie holds a bachelors degree in psychology (with a specialisation in forensics and criminology), a fourth year honours degree in psychology, a professional masters degree in psychology, and she is currently completing a clinical masters degree in psychology.

She is a member of:

Australian Psychological Society (APS) 

Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders) (ANZAED)

Warwick P. Taylor


0407 412 631

Warwick Taylor is a former field engineer. Familiar with testing various technologies Warwick adds LIDAR imagery to our team searches. He also now works with the Rural Fire Brigade and has a sound knowledge of the bush and derelict mining landscapes. Warwick is the researcher and creator of, a site that details the prospectors, companies, leases, and geography that formed the gold mining district of Tambaroora.


Warwick Taylor is a member of:

Bathurst and District Historical Society, and

Hill End & Tambaroora Gathering Group

Barry Gobbe OAM, JP is a member of:

Australia and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS),

NSW Justice Association (MJA),

Royal Historical Society of Australia (RAHSA), and Chairman of the Granville Train Disaster Association Inc.


Gerald Steding  / 0408 649 477

Dr Louise Steding   / 0408 649 484

Cold Case 

PO BOX 1206


New South Wales,  2570


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ABN: 54 630 575 687
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