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Some viewers might find human remains disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

No victims or relatives of any living person are shown below.

No Aboriginal remains are shown below.

Dr Louise Steding investigates unmarked burials within historic cemeteries as well as the clandestine burials of missing persons, either recent or long term cases.


Skeletal remains. The excavated bones of a human hand with a gold ring on a middle finger. Phallanges.

She has excavated and recorded burial grounds, crypts and clandestine graves from the Early and Late Neolithic, to the Bronze Age and Renaissance Europe to human remains from Colonial Australia and more recent years.

Inside a crypt showing three skeletons laid out on sandstone. Carvings are in the rear wall.

Archaeology and Cold Cases

Human skull with neclace or gold pendant around neck.
A human skull shown in profile (side view). Teeth are displaced and the fabric remains on the skull. Head-dress.

Excavation techniques, stratigraphic contexts, soil sampling, sieving for bone and identifying artefacts are intrinsic to archaeology, as we try to decipher how a site or scene was created and to identify characteristics of those who created it.

Archaeological methods for the recovery of human remains depend on their circumstances. For Dr Steding, recording the site context and positioning of human bone, identifying associated potential exhibits, and soil sampling, are all part of the systematic recovery stage of these deceased people.

We approach each case being as fully informed as possible, working backwards through time - no matter how narrow that time interval may be.

Two words, cold case, in metallic font with handcuffs and a chain. Logo designed by Louise Steding.


Gerald Steding  / 0408 649 477

Dr Louise Steding   / 0408 649 484

Cold Case 

PO BOX 1206


New South Wales,  2570


Thanks for submitting!

ABN: 54 630 575 687
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